Amicus Insurance Services has changed.
We are excited to share some significant news.
Amicus Insurance Services has been a trusted partner for over 20 years, providing exceptional service and tailored insurance solutions. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and growth, we are pleased to announce that Amicus is merging with Aviso Specialty.

Stronger Together
Our client commitment remains our focus.
After 25 years of dedicated service, Wendy and Gerard Scott, the directors of Amicus, are handing the torch to the Aviso Specialty team. Their valued support will continue as we build upon the strong foundation they have established.
Our Commitment to exceptional service remains unchanged.
What does this mean for our clients?
From the 12th August 2024, any new financial services will be provided under a different Australian Financial Services License No. 244386 through Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd ABN 25 050 242 914 and in accordance with the Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd – Financial Services Guide (FSG).
You will notice our existing logo will be replaced by our new Aviso Specialty logo on all new documentation from August 12th 2024.
You have now landed on our new website as Aviso Specialty, we welcome you to save the URL:
A copy of the Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd Financial Services Guide (FSG) is available on this website.
View the Aviso Specialty - Financial Services Guide (FSG) >
We will migrate to a new Aviso Specialty email address. Rest assured we will receive emails sent to our existing address in the short term.
Thank you.
Business as usual, with national footprint.
Thank you for your continued support in Amicus and Aviso Specialty.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below some frequently asked questions which may answer some of your queries:
If you received your invoice prior to the 12th August 2024, your payment details will be shown on the invoice, please use these details for payment of premium.
Built on the sturdy foundations provided by the acquisition of Arete Risk & Insurance Solutions, and Fitzpatrick & Co Insurance Brokers. Aviso Specialty, provide insurance and risk advisory services, for businesses, corporates and industries.
Your existing Account Manager will not change.
No, however from the 12th August 2024, any new financial services will be provided under a different Australian Financial Services License No. 244386 through Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd ABN 25 050 242 914 and in accordance with the Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd – Financial Services Guide (FSG).
Advisors who were formerly part of Amicus Insurance Services will relocate to a new Aviso Specialty Brisbane CBD Office in late August, and form part of our national footprint, with offices in, Canberra, Darwin, Melbourne CBD, Sydney, Perth, and our Head Office in Glen Waverley Vic.
Yes, our banking and EFT details will change effective 12th August 2024, payment details will be updated on all invoices after this date, alternatively please contact your current Account Broker for updated details.
If you received your invoice prior to the 12th August 2024, your payment details will be shown on the invoice, please use these details for payment of premium.
Important Information & Complaints Process
If you wish to contact Amicus IS Pty Ltd ABN 33 660 122 752, an Authorised Representative of Resilium Insurance Broking ABN 92 169 975 973 | AFS Licence No. 460382, about any services provided to you prior to 12th August 2024 (including complaints), please see below for details:
Resilium Insurance Broking
GPO Box 1884
Sydney NSW 2001
Ph: 03 9109 9939
Or by Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd after 12th August 2024, contact us at:
Phone: 03 8544 1600
Post: Aviso Specialty Pty Ltd
PO Box 2230
Mt Waverley Vic 3149
If you have a complaint, you should tell us about it by contacting us directly.
We aim to resolve your complaint within 1 to 5 working days. If we cannot do so within 14 working days, we will escalate the matter to our Internal Disputes Team. A response will be provided within a maximum of 30 days from the receipt of your initial complaint.
Aviso Specialty is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to refer the matter to AFCA. Any decision AFCA makes is binding on us, provided you also accept the decision. You do not have to accept their decision and may seek remedies elsewhere.
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA): –
Post: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678
Time limits may apply to complain to AFCA, so you should act promptly or otherwise consult the AFCA website to find out if or when the time limit relevant to your circumstances expires.
If you have any questions in relation to the above information or require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you wish to obtain a copy of the previous Amicus IS Pty Ltd ABN 33 660 122 752, an Authorised Representative of Resilium Insurance Broking ABN 92 169 975 973 | AFS Licence No. 460382– Financial Services Guide (FSG), please contact us on 1300 509 559.